October 18, 2013

Wooden German Advent Calendar

This classic Christmas House advent calendar is made in wood and has a German feel to it. With it's red overall coloring and wood styling as well as snow painted in, it has the nostalgic Christmas feel you want in your advent calendar.

October 7, 2013

Best Chocolate Advent Calendar

Many families begin to celebrate the Christmas season by beginning a countdown system beginning on December 1.

One of the most popular ways to do this is by using a Chocolate Advent Calendar. No, the calendar is not made from chocolate. The calendar itself can be made of a variety of media such as paper, cardboard or wood. The chocolate comes into the mix by being the little gifts that one finds each day as the counting to Christmas Day begins.


June 19, 2011

Jewish calendars and planners

I don't know what it is about Jewish people, but for some reason there are planners available inspired by Judaism that cover the Academic year, when there aren't any for Christians let alone Muslims or Buddhists. 
Great Judaism planners and calendars

September 26, 2010

Cute day planners, girly weekly organizers and more

Every woman needs a datebook, but that doesn’t mean she needs to go without style. The planners on this page are popular because they combine a cute look with practical features.
I’ve found you a pink organizer, the latest Moleskine planners, day planners, weekly date books, monthly planners and more.

Cute day planners, and girly weekly organizers

September 2, 2010

Cute Folk Art calendars, datebooks and planners

featured lensSusan Bourdet folk art calendars & planners

Her artwork is consistently popular on calendars and in prints. I’ve gathered her calendars, date books and planners on one lens so you can easily find them.

featured lensFolk Art wall calendars

In contrast to fine art, folk art is associated with ordinary people, with farmers and peasants. It usually gives an idealized view of life and inspires comfort and nostalgia.

Folk Art date books, pocket planners & agenda books

Folk art gets it’s name from being popular among ‘folk’, in other words: ordinary people. No wonder folk art calendars sell so well! I’ve found you some of the prettiest and beautiful folk art planners and date books available for 2011.

February 12, 2010

Nature Photography Calendars 2010

The Audubon Society publishes roughly two kinds of calendars:
  1. Calendars featuring the work of John James Audubon reproduced
  2. Calendars featuring wildlife photographs
I’ve found you both on my hub devoted to Audubon Wildlife and Nature Calendars.
See also my squidoo pages on the topic:
and…  Audubon nature photography calendar

Christian Religious Datebooks and Calendars

For those of you who are late to get yourself an uplifting calendar… I’ve made a few pages with Christian religious calendars and planners.
First off the general pages:
Then there’s specifically about the Bible: